Saturday, September 26, 2009

Sneak Peek at the dust cover

The Press has sent us a mock-up of the dust jacket complete with the watercolor of Pine Canyon in Big Bend National Park. My sister, dean of graduate studies at Midwestern University, plans to present a copy of our book to the school library. Since there is no book yet, they asked the Press to create a facsimilie for the presentation in October, and here it is.


  1. Walt and Isabel,
    Your dust cover design is just beautiful. I'm eager to have the book in my hands and to read every word of it.
    Pam Cunningham

  2. The dust cover is great.Should sell lots of books on its own. Good job! Mary

  3. MSU is pleased to have you on campus as we prepare to place your book in our library with a bookplate commemorating my receiving tenure here.
    MSU is a wonderful university with many fine scholars who will be interested in your work.
    Patti Hamilton

  4. Hello Walt and Isabel,

    How exciting to see the cover of your book (it's beautiful!) and know that you've sent it to the publisher. When will we get to buy a copy?

    I just found your comment on my own blog- have been wondering about you. Happy New Year, Julia
